RELEASE VERSION 1 - Veröffentlichung 11.07.2015


Added block textures:

- fire animation

- portal animation


Added environment textures:

- snow

- sun

- moon phases

- end sky

- clouds


Added GUI textures:

- enchanting table (for 1.8 and 1.7.10)

- demo background

- beacon

- villager

- stats icons



Version 0.9 - Veröffentlicht am 10.06.2015


Added item textures:

- fireworks

- firework charge

- clownfish

- pufferfish

- lead

- paintings

- prismarine crystals

-  prismarine shard

- pumpkin pie (Muffin)

- saddle

- snowball

- spawn egg


Updated block textures:



Added Mod textures:

Tinkers Construct block textures:

GUI - hearts

- stenciltable top/side/ bottom all wood types

- toolstation

- toolforge top/ bottom/ side all metal types

- all compressed metal blocks

- grout

- slimedirt blue/ green

- slimeblock blue/ green/ purple

- slimegrass all colors

- slimeleaves

- slimesand blue/ green

- slimesapling

- slimefern

- slimegrass (plant)

- nether ardite/ cobalt


Gardencore block textures:

- compost bin

- garden dirt

- garden farmland


Applied energistics 2 block textures:

- ME drive

- grinder

- interface

- molecular assembeler

- quartz block/ chiseled/ pillar

- security block

- skystone/ plane/ brick/ small brick

- vibration chember

- monitors

- export/ import bus

- wireless

- level emitter

- terminals

- ME glass cable

- cable anchor

- covered cable, all colors

- smart cable, all colors

- densed cable, all colors

- quartz fiber


ADDED ALL Storage Drawers textures!


Chisel 2 block textures:

- neon glowstone

- dirt bricks/ brick side/ bricks2/ bricks 3

- cobblestone brick aligned/ large tile dark/ small tile/ detailed brick/ french/ french 2/ dungeon/ small brick/ mossy small tile dark/piston back dungeon tile

- limestone

- oak planks: clean/ crate/ fancy crate/ double side/ fancy/ large/ panel nails/ parquet/ short/ vertical/


Pam's Harvestcraft item textures:

- cutting board

- juicer

- mixing bowl

- morta and pestle

- cook book

- pot

- saucepan

- skillet

Pam's Harvestcraft block textures:

- apple

- salt


Natura  block textures:

- birch door

- darkwood planks/ door/ leaves + flowers + apple/ log/ sapling

- ghostwood planks/ log/ bookshelf/ door/ ladder/ leaves/ sapling/ trapdoor/ workbench

- marple planks


Nether Ores  block textures:

- Nether coal/ copper/ diamond/ emerald/ gold/ iron/ lapis/ lead/ nickel/ platinum/ redstone/ salt/ silver/ tin


Thaumcraft block textures:

- amber ore

-  cinnebar ore

- infused stone ore

Version 0.8 - Veröffentlicht am 03.06.2015


Added models textures:

- iron armor

- gold armor

- leather armor

- chainmail armor

- diamond armor

Added item textures:

- iron armor

- gold armor

- leather armor

- chainmail armor

- diamond armor

- empty armor slots

Updated block textures:

- snow/ grass/ podzol grass side

- dirt

- coal ore

- lapis ore

- iron ore

Version 0.7 - Veröffentlicht am 24.05.2015


Updated block textures:

- bed

- diamond block

- iron door

- emerald block

- flower pot

- gold block

- iron bars

- iron block

- iron trapdoor

- lapis block

- lava flowing

- mob spawner

Added block textures:

- flowing water

Updated entity textures:

- armorstand

Added item textures:

- diamond tools

- gold tools

- blaze powder

- blaze rods

- cake

- carrot on a stick

- cookie

- experiance bottle

- firball

- fishing rod

- flint and steel

- flower pot

- leather

- magma cream

- quartz

- sheers

Updated item textures:

- iron tools

Version 0.6 - Veröffentlicht am 01.04.2015


No april fools included!

Added entity textures:

- cow

- creeper

- pig

- skeleton

- spider

- villager

- zombie

Added item textures:

- apple

- golden apple

- arrow

- bone

- book normal/ writable/ written/ enchanted

- egg

- feather

- flint

- ghast tear

- map

- name tag

- paper

- rabbit foot

- rabbit hide

- spider eye/ fermented

Updated item textures:

- carrot

- golden carrot

- diamond

- all doors

- emerald

Updated block textures:

- doors: birch/ dark oak/ jungle/ spruce

- fence and gates: birch/ dark oak/ jungle/ spruce

- dark oak planks

- costom stairs: big oak, jungle, spruce

- bookshelf

- all stonebricks

Version 0.5 - Veröffentlicht am 04.03.2015


Added entity textures:

- chicken

- sheep

- rabbit all colors

Added item textures:

- all iron tools

Updated block textures (final change):

- costom stairs for acacia, big oak, birch, oak, brick

- brick

- clay

- cobblestone/ mossy

- stone

- all ores

- ladder

- netherrack

- planks big oak

- planks birch

- pumpkin face off

- jack'o lantern

- quartz ore

- andensite, diorite, granite

- costom cobble stairs

- cobble wall/ mossy

Version 0.4 - Veröffentlicht am 25.02.2015


Added block textures:

- ice

- packed ice

Updated block textures:

- bed

- brewing stand

- wooden button

- crafting table

- daylight/ night detector

- all doors

- oak fence and gate

- furnace

- All glass - neu patterns

- gravel

- jukebox/ noteblock

- ladder

- all leaves

- oak log

- piston

- oak planks

- pumpkin face

- trapdoor

Added entity textures:

- armorstand

- boat

- minecart

Added GUI textures:

- brewing stand

- horse

Added item textures:

- beef raw/ cooked

- bowl

- bread

- chicken raw/ coocked

- clay

- fish/ cod/ salmon raw and coocked

- gold nugget

- gunpowder

- mushroom stew

- mutton raw/ coocked

- porkchop raw/ coocked

- rabbit raw/ coocked

- rabbit stew

- rotten flesh

- slimeball

- armorstand

Updated item textures:

- black/ blue/ brown/ white dye

Added textures:

- map and icons

- misc

Version 0.3 - Veröffentlicht am 19.02.2015


Added block textures:

- beacon

- brewing stand

- cactus bottom

- cake

- cocoa

- daylight detector

- nighttime detector

- endframe + eye

- trip wire

- water lily

- prismarine rough + animation

Added GUI textures:

- beacon beam

- banner (not working?)

- dispenser

- hopper

Updated GUI textures:

- Inventory

Added item textures:

- doors

- brick

- diamond

- emerald

- ender eye

- ender pearl

- glowstone dust

- gold ingot

- iron ingot

- nether star (Dragonball yay)

- nether wart

- nether brick

- potion bottles

- All records

- redstone dust

- reeds

- sign

- sugar

- bed

Version 0.2 - Veröffentlicht am 11.02.2015


Added block textures:

- bookshelf


- sea lantern + animation

- dragon egg

- end stone

- item frame

- prismarine bricks and dark

- slime

- sponge

Added GUI textures:

- creativ inventory

Added item textures:

- string

Version 0.1 - Veröffentlicht am 04.02.2015


So wird die Weiterentwicklung aussehen:

Prio 1

Bis jetzt sind die meisten Blöcke mit Textur versehen, es fehlen noch ein paar, doch die folgen als nächstes. Milestone Nr1 ist es alle Blöcke fertig zu stellen.

Zusätzlich arbeite ich GUI und Environment, also Interfaces, Buttons, Wetter USW


Prio 2

Nachdem alle Blöcke fertig gestellt sind werden nach und nach die Items folgen, es gibt schon ein paar Items, es ist auch gut möglich, das zwischendurch auch ein paar Items ge-updated werden, ist allerdings nur Priorität 2.


Prio 3

Nachdem alle Blöcke fertig gestellt wurden und auch langsam alle Items erstellt werden, werde ich mich um die Skins für Spieler, Tiere, Monster und NPC's kümmern. Dies wird sicherlich noch ein kniffliger Part, doch ich bin sehr zuversichtlich.



Nachdem es schlussendlich nur noch ein paar letzte Dinge zu Texturieren gibt, wird es an der Zeit Blöcke anzupassen, was bedeutet:

x Farbliche Angleichung

x Ausbessern von fehlerhaften Texturen

x Hinzufügen weiterer Random Texturen

Prio 5

Aufbereitung des Pack für McPatcher:

x Connected Textures hinzufügen für zB Glas, Holz USW